Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We are in The Future

I remember the very first time I saw The Jetsons. I remember thinking how ridiculous it was to expect cars to fly. Through the air.

I remember the very first time I saw Back to the Future. I remember thinking how ridiculous it was to expect skateboards to hover above ground and carry you in the direction you wanted to go.

I remember the very first time I saw the episode of Friends where the rich guy Monica was dating was doing a conference call through the television on the wall. I remember thinking how ridiculous it was to be able to SEE someone during a phone conversation.

RJ and I both got new iThingy’s for Christmas. Because of this, we can see each other during the call. Now I don’t need to be chained down to my computer to do a face-to-face chat. I love technology.

I am, living in the future I once thought was impossible.

What’s next? Flying cars, I hope. (fingers crossed)

1 comment:

  1. Flying cars already exist. Not quite like the Jetsons tho. Can you imagine the chaos driving in 3D with the problem some peple have just driving in 2D.

    I used to draft on paper. Then I drafted 2D on the puter. Now I draft in 3D on the puter and when I am done I can send it to a printer that will print it in 3D.

    Cool stuff now a days.
