Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday is over. Thank goodness.

Monday mornings are hard. For me.

I spent a wonderful Friday night with an old friend having dinner and drinks, went in to The Ranch for a few hours on Saturday after stopping to have breakfast at my favorite breakfast place, and did absolutely nothing on Sunday. RM#1 and her boyfriend (who will now become RM#2, AGAIN) were out of town, so I had the place to myself. When that happens, I tend to get nothing done. I veg out. It's bad. I know. And sitting here Monday evening annoyed that I didn't get my list of To Do things done, almost kinda sorta ruins the laziness of the weekend I just enjoyed. Almost.

Have a happy Tuesday, Readers.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we all just need to be lazy and veg out! I hope you enjoyed it!
